In addition to the tutoring provided in the ANAT-A225 and PHSL-P225 course, additional tutoring is available for these classes via the PASS program and the Academic Support Center.
Free help with Anatomy and Physiology
Tutoring Sessions for Anatomy and Physiology
For students taking ANAT-A225 and/or PHSL-P225, the Student Academic Center's PASS program offers weekly study sessions.
How to get started
- Check out the PASS schedule
- Just show up at the correct location and time
More Tutoring Sessions for Anatomy and Physiology
The Academic Support Center also offers tutoring for students taking ANAT-A225. The schedule is:
Mondays, 9a - 1p on Zoom
Thursdays, 11:30a - 3:30p at the Forest Academic Support Center
How to get started
- Check out the many ASC tutoring options
- Just show up at the correct location and time